Exposing the Truth: Who is Gil Negrete?
Uncovering the facts about Arizona attorney Gil Negrete and his unethical and criminal conduct. Contact us
Key Issues
Welcome to our website, dedicated to uncovering the truth about Gil Negrete, a personal injury lawyer based in Phoenix, Arizona. This site aims to inform the public about his criminal activities and unethical conduct. Our mission is to ensure potential clients know his history and can make informed decisions WHEN CHOOSING his services. Despite the challenges, we remain committed to our cause, working tirelessly to report his actions to the appropriate authorities and bar association.
Ethical Violations
Learn about the numerous disciplinary actions taken by the Arizona State Bar against Gil Negrete for multiple ethics violations
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Timeline of Misconduct
Starting in 2011, Gil Negrete was charged with money laundering for a known drug trafficker. The Arizona Bar didn’t like this. Little did they know this was just the start of a long rap sheet.
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Criminal History
Learn about how Gil Negrete illegally structured cash withdrawals in order to avoid law enforcement from being tipped off that known drug trafficker, Brian Escobedo, was being bailed out of prison. Gil and the trafficker’s family members structured the cash withdrawals to purposefully avoid a current transaction report and tip off law enforcement.
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Who is
Gil Negrete?
Gil Cruz Negrete is a 47-year-old personal injury lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona. Born on September 17, 1976, Negrete has a checkered history of numerous criminal charges and ethical violations. Despite his professional facade, his background reveals a pattern of deceit and misconduct.
Personal Life:
Gil Negrete resides in Laveen, Arizona, on a property owned by his trust, Girl Dad Living Trust. He is married to Trina Negrete and is a father of two girls. He is a father involved in various legal issues beyond his professional life. His social media presence, including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, reflects his attempts to maintain a public image while concealing his misconduct.
Criminal Charges:
Negrete has faced several criminal charges, including Class 3 Felony of Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering. In April 2011, he facilitated the purchase of multiple cashier’s checks under $10,000 to avoid detection while posting bond for a known drug trafficker. Despite initially pleading not guilty, he later entered a plea agreement, admitting to lesser charges.
According to the Indictment, the Defendants were charged with Class 3 Felony charges of Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering. The filings indicate that the Subject, in April 2011, assisted the co-Defendants to obtain multiple cashier’s checks to be used to post a $75,000 Bond for the Subject’s Client, Brian Escobedo, who was the alleged head of a drug-trafficking organization. Additionally, the checks were allegedly obtained from various banks in Phoenix and were all for under $10,000, which is under the banks’ threshold for reporting to government agencies. Gil also allegedly requested that the normal banking fees for the checks be waived, and when that request was denied, “he used his own Chase Bank account to facilitate the purchase of the checks.” According to the investigation report by the Phoenix Police Department, Gil Negrete and his co-conspirators “had the ability to make one banking transaction and purchase one cashier’s check … however, this would have generated a currency transaction report that would have in turn made law enforcement aware of the transaction.” Gil Negrete initially pled “Not Guilty” to both charges. On 09/25, 2012, he entered into a Plea Agreement and agreed to plead Guilty to Facilitation to Commit Money Laundering (a Class 6 undesignated felony) and the Money Laundering charge was dismissed. The State recommended that the subject pay a $7,500 fine and perform 200 hours of community service. On 12/04/2012, Gil Negrete was put on Unsupervised Probation for one year and required to complete 200 hours of community service, and he was fined $20 for a Probation Surcharge and $65 a month for a Probation Service Fee. On 09/19/2013, Gil Negrete petitioned for early termination of his Probation on the grounds that he served over half of the Probation sentence and completed all Community Service hours.
Ethical Violations:
Negrete’s professional career is marked by numerous ethical violations, including failing to honour medical liens, fabricating documents, and lying to the State Bar of Arizona. These actions resulted in suspensions and fines, further tarnishing his reputation.
Gil Negrete’s ethics violations with the State Bar of Arizona are lengthy. He’s hid his money laundering charges from the Bar and was disciplined in June 2021. Since then he’s had a string of ethical violations, including losing his license to practice law for one-year, and then while suspended, engaging in more misconduct. See the full Bar Complaints from the several disciplinary cases here
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AZ HOMETOWN “law firm”
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Negrete’s Secret Dating Life
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Ethical Violations
Gil Negrete:
A History of Ethical Violations
Gil Negrete’s legal career is riddled with ethical violations that highlight his unprofessional and unethical behaviour. This section provides detailed accounts of these violations, supported by documents and evidence.
Additional Suspension: 15 months
- Gil Negrete violated Rule 42, ARIZ.R.S.CT., ERs 1.4, 1.6, 1.17, and 5.3.
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Suspended from Practicing Law For One Year
- Gil Negrete threatened a chiropractor that was looking to get a $3200 lien paid.
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Judge Files Bar Complaint
- A Maricopa County Superior Court Judge filed a bar complaint against Gil
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Money Laundering and Conspiracy:
- Charged with Class 3 Felony for Money Laundering and Conspiracy
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Gil Sells His Client’s Files Without Consent.
- Gil needed the cash after he lost his license to practice law.
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Chase suing Gil for $280,000
- Jp Morgan | Chase SUES Gil for $280,000 unpaid credit card debt
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Gil Negrete threatened a chiropractor that was looking to get a $3200 lien paid. Gil Negrete bullied the chiropractor over a $1200 discount and told the chiropractor that he needed to accept $2000 as payment in full, otherwise the chiropractor would have to file suit within 30 days and if he didn’t, that the chiropractor would have to chase the personal injury client for the money instead. During the State Bar of Arizona’s investigation of Gil Negrete’s unethical misconduct, Gil Negrete then fabricated and doctored emails and gave them to the State Bar to support his alleged ethical dealings with the chiropractor! The State Bar of Arizona cited Gil Negrete’s prior disciplinary history, selfish motives, multiple offenses, submission of false evidence, illegal conduct, and other characteristics that sound like a cartoon villain. Gil Negrete CONSENTED to losing his right to practice law for a full year. He waived his defenses and essentially admitted that he was unethical.
Check File
A Maricopa County Superior Court Judge filed a bar complaint against Gil because he claims he served a notice of claim on the County, when instead, he asked a process server to just lie in an affidavit saying he did. The process server fessed up to this, and said that Gil asked him to fabricate an affidavit under oath saying that the notice of claim was served when it was not.
Check File
Gil Negrete was charged with Class 3 Felony charges of Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering. No big deal, he was only trying to post bond for the known drug trafficker, Brian Escobedo.
Check File
Gil needed the cash after he lost his license to practice law, so he sold his law firm to Sweet James. But he failed to obtain his client’s consent to transfer their cases because he was just looking for a quick dollar. The State Bar of Arizona cracked down on this unethical conduct.
Check File
Gil was suspended for 15 months retroactive to the start date of his prior one-year suspension. Mr. Negrete also was ordered to pay the State Bar’s costs and expenses of $1,200.
Check File
Jp Morgan | Chase SUES Gil for $280,000 unpaid credit card debt
Check File

Gil Negrete and his business partner Kevin Rowe become Officers amd Directors of the old law firm Jerome, Gibson, Stewart, Stevenson, Engle & Runbeck, P.C. Kevin Rowe is also an owner of Lerner & Rowe. Why is he running a law firm on the side with Gil but without Mr. Lerner?
He lost his license to practice law for a year due to unethical behaviour involving a chiropractor, where he fabricated documents and provided false evidence to the State Bar.
Defendant: Gil C. Negrete Summary: According to the Order of Admonition and Costs, the Subject was censured and fined $600 for “committing a nonrepetitive, nonviolent misdemeanor over ten years ago (in 2011), just two years into his practice of law, that reflected adversely on his fitness as a lawyer
The State Bar of Arizona censured Negrete for his criminal charges, adversely affecting his fitness as a lawyer.
Attempted to sell his law firm after suspension without adequately notifying his clients, lying again to the State Bar about compliance with required procedures.
Charged with Class 3 Felony for Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering. Assisted in posting bond for a known drug trafficker by purchasing multiple cashier’s checks under $10,000 to avoid detection.
After losing his license to practice law, Gil Negrete tries to hide by changing the name of Jerome Gibson to Valley Injury Lawyers, P.C. But why?
Valley Injury Lawyers is run by disgraced election law lawyer Christopher Viskovic!
Chris is not the best lawyer. Should he be running this law firm?
Remember, Gil sold his law firm AZ Hometown Law to Sweet James in February 2023. But he kept the moniker “Call Gil”. But now he claims that the “Gil” in this phrase is not him since he lost his license and can’t advertise legal services. He claims it’s an acronym for “Great Injury Lawyers”.
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Contact us
If you have information about Gil Negrete or wish to report further misconduct, please contact us anonymously. Your identity will be protected. If you want to upload some files about nefarious activities related to Gil Negrete, here is a way to do it:
Your contributions will help us in our investigation, and we assure you that all information shared will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. Thank you for your cooperation.